Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Swirl Cake Batter Sugar Cookies

Last week I posted about Cake Batter Cookie Stackers (you can read that post here).  The recipe came from and was delish!  I used this same recipe (find the recipe here), to make a swirled pink and white cookie for ladies group dinner I was going to.  Before we get to the pictures I want to put in a plug for Tapestry women's ministry at Grace Brethren Church Polaris.  Tapestry is a cross-generational women's group that is such a blessing in my life.  I didn't know what I was missing until I joined last semester.  The group meets  on Thursday nights and there is a time of singing, fellowship, prayer, and bible study.  The amazing discipleship that occurs when women get together can not be overstated.  In our short time together I have come to love and respect these women and the roles they play in their personal lives.  If you live in the Columbus area, you should join us!  We are gearing up for a new Tapestry session beginning in February and I would love for you to come and experience God's presence in a new way through this group.

Our Tapestry group from last semester met up for a dinner last week to reconnect after the holiday break.  Even though we will all be in different classes in the next Tapestry session, the ladies from the Philippians and Colossians course that I was in will always be close to my heart.  They had more of an impact on me they they will ever know.  As we gathered together for food and fellowship, I brought these cute swirl cookies.  

As I mentioned they are the same recipe that I had used for the Cake Batter Cookie Stackers but instead of forming smalls balls of dough to bake, I divided the batter in half.  The first section, it was white, I rolled out into a rectangle.  The second I tinted pink with paste food coloring (the same food coloring I used for frosting in the cookie stackers).  Then I rolled the pink section out to the same size as the white half of dough.  To make the rolling easier I chilled the dough first and rolled it out between two sheets of wax paper.  After chilling a second time, I peeled off the wax paper, brushed on a light layer of water to the pink dough, and placed the white dough on top.  I trimmed off the ends and then rolled the two pieces of dough together.  You don't want there to be any gap between the layers so you need to press and roll until the dough makes a solid piece.  Chill a third time ( I know it seems like a lot of chilling but I only chilled it for 10 minutes or so each time).  Then slice the dough into 1/4" rounds, place on cookie sheet, and bake.  I took the scraps that had been trimmed off and mushed (yes that is a technical term, ha!) together to make two marbled cookies.  I let my husband eat the marbled cookies before I left so that the ladies only saw cute swirled cookies.  

What do you think?

Check back tomorrow for the Oreo Cookie Cheesecake Bites recipe that I also took to this potluck! Mmmmmm!!

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